This is my A2 Media Studies blog which will act as a portfolio for all my coursework. Here I will present theory and practical work as well as all the research, planning and evaluation that went into creating our Romance/Drama/Film Noir teaser trailer and its promotional package - a poster and a front page magazine cover.

Monday, 9 March 2015

Analysis of "The Great Gatsby"(2013) Teaser Trailer

The first shot from the teaser trailer is the production company- with the well established "Great Gatsby" background which is the background of all the posters. The audience watching instantly know this is "The Great Gatsby" trailer, also the production company "Warner Brothers" is a well established and well known production company- so the audience know they will be watching a film that is properly filmed and funded by a conglomerate.

The first shot of the film's teaser trailer are establishing shots of New York in 1922- which shows the iconography of the time period the film is set in. Whilst this montage of New York establishing shots are running, there is a voice over to set the scene. The voice over is by Toby Maguire- one the of main actors in the film, also mainly the audience that have read the F. Scott Fitzgerald novel will know that it is narrated by "Nick Carraway" who is played by Maguire. 

What first sets the scene of where the film's location shots will be is Gatsby's mansion. The establishing shot sets the scene for the audience.

There are medium shots of two of the many main actors in the plot here to introduce the characters and actors playing them. The shot of the two, "Jordan Baker" and "Nick Carraway" suggests instantly to the audience there may be a relationship or friendship of some kind. 

Teaser trailers will mostly consist of fast paced montage shots, throughout this trailer there are many. One of them is when the characters are all repeating the name "Gatsby" which highlights the film's title. The repetition of the word suggests he is an important person. 

The first time in the trailer we see the most famous actor in the film, is 40 seconds in; also because this actor is one the important characters, there is an anticipation for his first shot. The camera is at a low angle to highlight Gatsby's power and dominance over the other characters in the film.

The Director's name is put early into the film's teaser trailer due to Luhrmann being well known as an actor. Audiences may watch the film to view his adaptation for the novel itself, and the earlier adaptation of "The Great Gatsby" film.

There is a shot/reverse shot between the two main actors as this part shows the beginning of their love affair. There is great emotion in the scene where the two meet, this is also reinforced by the sound of thunder in the background to show that something great is about to happen.

The Director is well known for his great adaptations in these two films, he has also worked with Leonardo DiCaprio once before in the film "Romeo and Juliet"

The trailer's pace is fast throughout, there is a party scene to highlight what the film is about- and audiences can recognise basic iconography of that time period. 

The first actor to be listed is Leonardo DiCaprio who is the most well known actor of them all.

Secondly, Tobey Maguire is listed as one of the most well known actors in the film.

This is shortly followed to introduce his character as "Nick Carraway"

One of the least well known actors, a newly introduced is Carey Mulligan who is one of the main characters.

She is then introduced as her character "Daisy Buchanan", who "Jay Gatsby" pursues a love affair with.

This is highlighted by the hands under the table shot, as it suggests a forbidden love and that this relationship is hidden. 
The main title screen is then introduced at the end of the trailer.

A mid-shot of "Jay Gatsby" himself, with the background being the party suggests that this man is lonely as he watches over relationships and friendships form at his parties. Also the last shot of the most well known actor further anticipates the audience to watch a film he is cast in. 

The billing blocks proceed to inform the audience on any additional information.

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