This is my A2 Media Studies blog which will act as a portfolio for all my coursework. Here I will present theory and practical work as well as all the research, planning and evaluation that went into creating our Romance/Drama/Film Noir teaser trailer and its promotional package - a poster and a front page magazine cover.

Monday, 6 April 2015

Our Magazine front cover

The original photographs:



We chose the 1st one, as this one had all of us directly looking at the camera, which gave the full effect if our emotions throughout the film, as being deceived and manipulated. We didn't choose the 2nd one, due to the characters looking awkward and too spaced out, leaving the editing of the magazine to be awkward and difficult. Lastly, we didn't choose the 3rd one due to two of the characters not looking directly at the camera, which didn't fit the original plan of all of us looking directly at the camera. 

The magazine first draft (and only draft):

Our detailed analysis on the film magazine:

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