This is my A2 Media Studies blog which will act as a portfolio for all my coursework. Here I will present theory and practical work as well as all the research, planning and evaluation that went into creating our Romance/Drama/Film Noir teaser trailer and its promotional package - a poster and a front page magazine cover.

Monday, 15 September 2014

Codes and Conventions of a teaser trailer

A teaser trailer is an advertising campaign for an upcoming film, it consists of a series of small shots with puzzles and cryptic references. It is usually released long in advance of the film, to "tease" the audience.

The audience are made aware and 'teased' for the upcoming film. There are a series of montage shots from the first ideas of what they want to be produced by the real film, it is not necessarily what they will produce when it comes to the stage. As they are often made while the film is still in production or being edited as a result they may feature scenes or alternate versions of scenes that are not finished in the film. Other production companies, such as Pixar Films, have scenes made for use in the trailer only.  It is a 'tease' for the audience as the trailer only lasts 30 to 60 seconds long. 

Teasers are usually made for big-budget and popularly themed movies, the purpose is less to tell the audience about the content than simply let them know that the movie is comping up in the near future- to add a hype among the target audience. 

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