This is my A2 Media Studies blog which will act as a portfolio for all my coursework. Here I will present theory and practical work as well as all the research, planning and evaluation that went into creating our Romance/Drama/Film Noir teaser trailer and its promotional package - a poster and a front page magazine cover.

Monday, 22 September 2014

Origin of Film Noir

From watching this video, it has given us an insight on how film noir and how it originated. From such contributing elements as
- Low budgeting, B line films were used to get more people to this cinema until 1948
- Low key lighting- characterised by German expressionism. This was influenced by the documenters from World War II, that would film anywhere. That's why there is no distinct location for Film Noir.
- Feelings of Nihilism caused by the lead up and aftermath of WWII - the population of America was in fear and paranoid- which defines the emotion felt in Film Noir.

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